
Protest date

Attachment: Explanation

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Monday, 14 January, 2019 11:40
To: Lee Hsien Loong (lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg) <lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg>
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg) <AGC@agc.gov.sg>; Chuan Poh Lim (lim_chuan_poh@a-star.edu.sg) <lim_chuan_poh@a-star.edu.sg>; Desmond Chin (SPS) (desmond_chin@pris.gov.sg) <desmond_chin@pris.gov.sg>; Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg) <uprsec@nus.edu.sg>; Eugen Liu (eugene_liu_hc@nuhs.edu.sg) <eugene_liu_hc@nuhs.edu.sg>; FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg) <faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg>; Hong Choon Chua (hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg) <hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg>; Jean Paul THIERY (bchtjp@nus.edu.sg) <bchtjp@nus.edu.sg>; K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs) (k_shanmugam@mha.gov.sg) <k_shanmugam@mha.gov.sg>; Mandarin Self Storage (hougang@mandarinselfstorage.com.sg) <hougang@mandarinselfstorage.com.sg>; Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg) <contact.mei@nus.edu.sg>; PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg) <pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg>; QSM_IMH (qsm@imh.com.sg) <qsm@imh.com.sg>; QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg) <STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg>; SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT) <SUPCOURT_QSM@supcourt.gov.sg>; Tan Bin Kiat (SPS) (tan_bin_kiat@pris.gov.sg) <tan_bin_kiat@pris.gov.sg>; Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk) <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>; HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk) <customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk>; Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project) <aponce@worldjusticeproject.org>; Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre) <sofie.schuette@cmi.no>; Yuri Fedotov (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime) <yury.fedotov@unodc.org>; Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University) <ebuscaglia@law.columbia.edu>; Garry Rodan (Murdoch University) <G.Rodan@murdoch.edu.au>; Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu) <mstephen@law.harvard.edu>; S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore) <jonstquah@gmail.com>; Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) <gradpro.law@yale.edu>; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University) <susan.rose-ackerman@yale.edu>; 'Freedom House' <info@freedomhouse.org>; Human Rights First (feedback@humanrightsfirst.org) <feedback@humanrightsfirst.org>; info@article19.org; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)' <spiegem@hrw.org>; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)' <RobertP@hrw.org>; Yu Hah Ming (mingyu.hah@amnesty.org) <mingyu.hah@amnesty.org>; Elizabeth Andersen (American Bar of Association) <elizabeth.andersen@americanbar.org>; Gail Davidson (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada) <lrwc@portal.ca>; International Association of Judges <Judicial.Independence.wp@gmail.com>; Talia Dove (International Bar Association) <talia.dove@int-bar.org>; Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg) <wanbao@sph.com.sg>; news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com) <theonlinecitizen@gmail.com>; Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg) <shinmin@sph.com.sg>; Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg) <stforum@sph.com.sg>; Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg) <voices@mediacorp.com.sg>; Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg) <zblocal@sph.com.sg>; Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk) <hkja@hkja.org.hk>; Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com) <mingpao@mingpao.com>; Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc) <news@odn.on.cc>; SCMP (letters@scmp.com) <letters@scmp.com>; Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) <localnews@singtao.com>; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk) <editor@thestandard.com.hk>; Taipei Times (letters@taipeitimes.com) <letters@taipeitimes.com>; Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw) <service@taiwannews.com.tw>; United Daily News (newspro@udn.com) <newspro@udn.com>; 'Apple Daily' <news@appledaily.com.tw>; Asia times <special@atimes.com>; Jon Fasman (Economists) <jonfasman@economist.com>; Keith Bradsher (New York Times) <kebrad@nytimes.com>; 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)' <lchua@bloomberg.net>; Patrick McDowell (The Wall Street Journal) <patrick.mcdowell@dowjones.com>; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)' <philip@bowring.net>; 'Reporters Without Borders (RWB)' <asia@rsf.org>; Rico Hizon (BBC) <ricohizon@gmail.com>; Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse) <Roberto.Coloma@afp.com>; 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)' <aseiff@gmail.com>; Australia High Court (jsmart@hcourt.gov.au) <jsmart@hcourt.gov.au>; Federal Court of Malaysia (webmaster@kehakiman.gov.my) <webmaster@kehakiman.gov.my>; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk) <cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk>; Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca) <reception@scc-csc.ca>; Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in) <supremecourt@nic.in>; Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz) <supremecourt@justice.govt.nz>; Supreme Court of South Africa (PaMyburgh@justice.gov.za) <PaMyburgh@justice.gov.za>; The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk) <enquiries@supremecourt.uk>; Indonesia Embassy (info@indonesianembassy.sg) <info@indonesianembassy.sg>; Laos Embassy (laoembsg@singnet.com.sg) <laoembsg@singnet.com.sg>; Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg) <ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg>; Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com) <philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com>; Thailand Embassy (thaisgp@singnet.com.sg) <thaisgp@singnet.com.sg>; Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn) <vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn>; Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar) <consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar>; Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br) <brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br>; India Embassy (hc@hcisingapore.org) <hc@hcisingapore.org>; Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg) <russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg>; Saudi Arabia Embassy (sgemb@mofa.gov.sa) <sgemb@mofa.gov.sa>; South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za) <singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za>; South Korea Embassy (korembsg@mofa.go.kr) <korembsg@mofa.go.kr>; Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr) <embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr>; Australia Embassy (enquiries-sg@dfat.gov.au) <enquiries-sg@dfat.gov.au>; Canada Embassy (spore@international.gc.ca) <spore@international.gc.ca>; German Embassy (info@singapur.diplo.de) <info@singapur.diplo.de>; Italy Embassy (ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it) <ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it>; Japan Embassy (infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp) <infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp>; UK Embassy (consular.singapore@fco.gov.uk) <consular.singapore@fco.gov.uk>; US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov) <singaporeusembassy@state.gov>
Subject: Protest date

Dear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,

I refer to my email dated Dec 31, 2018 to the PM with regard to Singapore’s Watergate scandal. In that email, I clearly stated my intention to protest at Raffles Place MRT station on Jan 1, 2019 at 12 noon.

The arrest and IMH
I didn’t protest as planned because police arrested me on the night of Dec 31. On Jan 1 at about 12:30pm, police released me unconditionally but declined to justify the arrest. When I refused to leave the police station and asked for a formal charge in court, police forcibly took me to Institute of Mental Health (IMH) under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act (CAP 178A) for a psychiatric assessment. Since police declined to bring me back, IMH didn’t conduct any psychiatric evaluation but released me on Jan 2 at 6pm. 

It is clear that police were not in a position to take me to IMH. If police suspected that I was suffering from a major mental disease, their suspicion was unreasonable because IMH already issued certificate twice that I was of sound mind. If police suspected that I was suffering from a minor mental disease, their suspicion was groundless because the diagnosis of a minor mental disease required continuous observation and couldn’t be made at first sight.

The way to play down my protest
Given the fact that the government had wrongfully concluded that I wouldn’t write to the PM at the end of 2018, the arrest was meant to provide the government with enough time to deal with my protest. On Jan 7, I wrote an email to Attorney General Lucien Wong for justification for the arrest but haven’t received any reply. I believe the government has already done a lot of preparation to play down my allegations of the government’s wrongdoing. 

It is evident that the former US president Richard Nixon’s wrongdoing pales in comparison to what the PM has done in a series of illegal activities including the corrupt legal system, the Terrex conspiracy and Singapore’s Watergate scandal. While there are very few events that are able to play down Singapore’s Watergate scandal, a successful negotiation that brings peace to the Korean peninsula can certainly make it.

I have been under 24-hour surveillance since last year. On the afternoon of Jan 10, I went out to buy poster boards and printing papers to make protest signs for my protest scheduled for Jan 14. Despite the widespread report on Jan 7 that Hanoi may host the 2nd Trump Kim summit, on the morning of Jan 11 Singapore was reportedly shortlisted for the summit with Vietnam. If the 2nd Trump Kim summit was to be held in Singapore again, it would be wise for me to reschedule my protest from Jan 14 to the 1st day of the summit. I believe the agents sharing the flat with me should have noticed that I had changed my mind. 

While the most recent news shows that the summit is more likely to be held in Vietnam, I still give my best wishes to the government.

Nepotism and the PM’s resignation
With regard to the issue of nepotism, the PM insisted that your appointment as Prime Minister was because you were the best man for the job but not because the late Minister Mentor fixed it. Given the fact that the PM voluntarily participated in a series of illegal activities mentioned above, it is self-evident that the PM is unfit for this position and must have inherited his power from the late Minister Mentor. Can the PM name another head of government who deliberately played a trick on a prisoner who was serving his sentence in prison?

The government’s wrongdoing has not only damaged Singapore’s international reputation and credibility but also created public distrust of government. I believe both the local and the international community are eager to know whether the PM is going to resign as the Prime Minister of Singapore. Can the PM give a direct answer to this question?

My protest
I will continue my protest until the government publicly responds to my allegations of corruption and espionage.

I have enough reason to believe that the government deliberately threw a Chinese citizen GPA (Chinese IC: 320722199009110831) into prison to create an opportunity for his wife YXL (Chinese IC: 320722198905020821), who was also a tenant in the flat of  #10-220, BLK 279, Tampines Street 22, (S)520279, to approach me shortly after I moved into that flat. I don’t mind morality tests. 

Now I am living at #02-1221,BLK 540, Hougang Avenue 8, (S)530540. Something in the flat suddenly went wrong this morning so I need to either move out to another flat or protest at Raffles Place. Since I am still waiting for the time and location of 2019 North Korea-United States summit, I would suggest that the intelligence agents give a refund to me so I move out to another flat.

I am looking forward to hearing from the PM soon.


Yan Jun
(Singapore NRIC:S7684361I)


Letter to AGC_Why I didn't protest on Jan 1, 2019 at Raffles Place MRT

Attachment: Explanation

From: Yan Jun
Sent: 2019
17 17:45
To: 'AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg)'
Cc: PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_IMH (qsm@imh.com.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Hong Choon Chua (hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg); Kumar Gupta Dhanesh (gmsdk@nus.edu.sg); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taipei Times (letters@taipeitimes.com); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; 'Asia times'; 'Jon Fasman (Economists) '; 'Keith Bradsher (New York Times)'; 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Patrick McDowell (The Wall Street Journal)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; 'Reporters Without Borders (RWB)'; 'Rico Hizon (BBC)'; 'Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse)'; 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'
Subject: Request for justification

Dear Attorney-General Lucien Wong,

1.       I refer to my email dated Dec 31, 2018 to PM Lee Hsien Loong.

The arrest and the psychiatric assessment
2.       Despite my intention stated in that email to protest on Jan 1, 2019 at 12:00 noon, I was unable to protest as planned because police arrested me at about 10:30pm on Dec 31 for disorderly behaviors and held me in police custody for about 24 hours. In the attached file, I gave an accurate account of what happened to me after I sent the email to PM Lee.

3.       On Jan 1, police forcibly transported me twice to Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for psychiatric assessments. It is a fact that I have been certified twice by IMH as a person of sound mind. If police suspected me of suffering from a major mental illness, their suspicion was obviously unreasonable because it contradicted the confirmed diagnosis. If police suspected me of having a minor mental illness, their suspicion was baseless because a minor mental disorder could only be diagnosed by continuous observations but not on first sight.

My requests to AG
4.       I would request AG to specify my disorderly behaviors displayed at the night of Dec 31 and to justify why it was illegal for me to stand in a public corridor and not to pack my personal items in a flat. In addition, I would request AG to justify why it was reasonable for police to suspect me of suffering from a mental disorder. 

5.       In addition, I asked for the names and the passport numbers of the tenants living in flat located at BLK 279, #10-220, Tampines Street 22, 520279. It is clear to me that police turned their back on the espionage activities in that flat. 

My request to IMH
6.       I copy this email to Associate Professor Chua Hong Choon, the CEO of IMH, and Senior Consultant Dhanesh Kumar Gupta, the person in charge of Ward 35B. I request them to justify why I was hospitalized to Ward 35B on Jan 1, 2019 by psychiatrists in IMH.

7.       Right now I am staying in the flat located at BLK 540, #02-1221,Hougang Avenue 8, 530540. I have evidence to show that the flat is controlled by Security and Intelligence Division. I would like to remind the government that the only way to stop me from protesting against Singapore’s Watergate scandal is not 24 hour surveillance but 24 hour custody.

8.       I will write to the PM office soon.

9.       Thank you.


Yan Jun


Singapore's Watergate scandal_My 10th email to PM Lee Hsien Loong

From: Yan Jun [mailto:medp1128@hotmail.com]
Sent: 2018
1231 11:00
To: Lee Hsien Loong (lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg)
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); Chuan Poh Lim (lim_chuan_poh@a-star.edu.sg); Desmond Chin (SPS) (desmond_chin@pris.gov.sg); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); Eugen Liu (eugene_liu_hc@nuhs.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg); Jean Paul THIERY (bchtjp@nus.edu.sg); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs) (k_shanmugam@mha.gov.sg); Mandarin Self Storage (hougang@mandarinselfstorage.com.sg); Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_IMH (qsm@imh.com.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS) (tan_bin_kiat@pris.gov.sg); Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk); HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk); Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project); Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre); Yuri Fedotov (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime); Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University); Garry Rodan (Murdoch University); Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu); S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore); Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) ; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University); 'Freedom House'; Human Rights First (feedback@humanrightsfirst.org); info@article19.org; Jennifer Jokstad; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mayda Chan (International Amnesty) '; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)'; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)'; Elizabeth Andersen (American Bar of Association); Gail Davidson (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada); International Association of Judges; Talia Dove (International Bar Association); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taipei Times (letters@taipeitimes.com); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; Asia times; Jon Fasman (Economists) ; Keith Bradsher (New York Times); 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; Patrick McDowell (The Wall Street Journal); 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; 'Reporters Without Borders (RWB)'; Rico Hizon (BBC); Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse); 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'; Australia High Court (jsmart@hcourt.gov.au); Federal Court of Malaysia (webmaster@kehakiman.gov.my); Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk); Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca); Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in); Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz); Supreme Court of South Africa (PaMyburgh@justice.gov.za); The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk); Indonesia Embassy (info@indonesianembassy.sg); Laos Embassy (laoembsg@singnet.com.sg); Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg); Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com); Thailand Embassy (thaisgp@singnet.com.sg); Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn); Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar); Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br); India Embassy (hc@hcisingapore.org); Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg); Saudi Arabia Embassy (sgemb@mofa.gov.sa); South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za); South Korea Embassy (korembsg@mofa.go.kr); Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr); Australia Embassy (enquiries-sg@dfat.gov.au); Canada Embassy (spore@international.gc.ca); German Embassy (info@singapur.diplo.de); Italy Embassy (ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it); Japan Embassy (infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp); UK Embassy (consular.singapore@fco.gov.uk); US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov)
Subject: Singapore's Watergate scandal

Dear Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong,

I refer to my email dated Feb 19, 2018 to the PM. In that email, I mentioned the government’s espionage activities by the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) government.

I am going to protest against Singapore’s Watergate scandal at Raffle Place MRT station on Jan 1, 2019 at 12:00 noon.

Singapore’s Watergate scandal
In the attached file, I explained in great detail how the PM was involved in espionage activities aiming at persuading me to go to Hong Kong so the PM could stay in office. I have rented rooms with 3 landlords in the past 2 years, and the government has successfully manipulated all of them to act as undercover agents against me.

The most noticeable activity was the PM’s announcement made in New Delhi on Jan 26, 2018 with regard to the rescheduling of leadership succession plan. The announcement was made on the basis of the information obtained from undercover agent Sun Jian Sen on the same day. The government also constructed a plot in August 2018 to persuade me to contact agent Sun by misinterpreting my contract with Mandarin-Self Storage.

To play down my possible protest against the Terrex conspiracy after my release from prison, the government in July 2018 risked the Singapore-China relations by tacitly agreeing with the anti-Chinese sentiment aroused by retired diplomat Bilahari Kausikan about China’s influence on Singaporeans. The fact, as the evidence presented in this email shows, is the opposite of the retired diplomat’s allegations. It is the PAP government who has repeatedly manipulated Chinese citizens in Singapore to work for the government.

Justice and innovation
My cases have already addressed 4 fundamental human rights issues in Singapore, or the right against arbitrary arrest and detention, the right to freedom of speech and expression, the right to fair hearing, the right to silence during interrogation by police. So far, I haven’t received any reply from the Supreme Court in response to my criticisms of the court’s decisions. With regard to the last 3 rights, the Supreme Court didn’t even release any written judgement.

I think the PAP government needs to state its position on how to administer justice in Singapore. An impartial administration of justice will ensure strong future generation teams. In One Man’s View of the World, the late Minister Mentor mentioned at page 71 Thucydides’ words that “the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must”. I think it is good for readers to keep in mind what Reinhold Niebuhr's famously said that “Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary”.

While Singapore has been ranked most innovative country in Asia, I believe major innovation is unlikely to occur under PAP government. The meritocracy that the government has been practicing is nothing more than utilitarianism. The mission of the universities and research institutes is to educate, inspire and transform in the interests of government. Talented people die off before they reach the level of making any innovation because of a lack of justice. I have solid evidence of misconduct on the part of NUS (A/P Liu Hern Choon Eugene, if I am not wrong) and A*STAR (Prof. Jean Paul THIERY).

After proving twice that Samuel Huntington was right in predicting Singapore’s future after Lee Kuan Yew, I believe I am able to make a grand discovery in science. I copy this email to Tan Eng Chye, the president of NUS, and Lim Chuan Poh, the chairman of A-STAR. I hope they prove that  my opinion as to the innovation in Singapore is wrong.

Changi Prison
My first-hand experiences of Changi Prison show that it is a slave camp because Changi Prison denies prisoners their access to justice when they have felt being treated unjustly or inhumanly by the prison authorities. I put a draft of my explanation on my blog and will update it later on.

My requests
I request the PM to respond in public my allegations of Singapore’s Watergate scandal, the Terrex conspiracy and the corrupt legal system. It is self-evident that the PM ought to step down for the sake of Singapore’s reputation. In addition, senior Judge Chao Hick Tin ought to step down because the former Attorney General represents evil in Singapore.

I have no intention of damaging Singapore’s reputation but have a clear picture of the difference between a country and a party. I am ready to testify in court or before Parliament.


Yan Jun