
Letter to AGC_Why I didn't protest on Jan 1, 2019 at Raffles Place MRT

Attachment: Explanation

From: Yan Jun
Sent: 2019
17 17:45
To: 'AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg)'
Cc: PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_IMH (qsm@imh.com.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Hong Choon Chua (hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg); Kumar Gupta Dhanesh (gmsdk@nus.edu.sg); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taipei Times (letters@taipeitimes.com); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; 'Asia times'; 'Jon Fasman (Economists) '; 'Keith Bradsher (New York Times)'; 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Patrick McDowell (The Wall Street Journal)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; 'Reporters Without Borders (RWB)'; 'Rico Hizon (BBC)'; 'Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse)'; 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'
Subject: Request for justification

Dear Attorney-General Lucien Wong,

1.       I refer to my email dated Dec 31, 2018 to PM Lee Hsien Loong.

The arrest and the psychiatric assessment
2.       Despite my intention stated in that email to protest on Jan 1, 2019 at 12:00 noon, I was unable to protest as planned because police arrested me at about 10:30pm on Dec 31 for disorderly behaviors and held me in police custody for about 24 hours. In the attached file, I gave an accurate account of what happened to me after I sent the email to PM Lee.

3.       On Jan 1, police forcibly transported me twice to Institute of Mental Health (IMH) for psychiatric assessments. It is a fact that I have been certified twice by IMH as a person of sound mind. If police suspected me of suffering from a major mental illness, their suspicion was obviously unreasonable because it contradicted the confirmed diagnosis. If police suspected me of having a minor mental illness, their suspicion was baseless because a minor mental disorder could only be diagnosed by continuous observations but not on first sight.

My requests to AG
4.       I would request AG to specify my disorderly behaviors displayed at the night of Dec 31 and to justify why it was illegal for me to stand in a public corridor and not to pack my personal items in a flat. In addition, I would request AG to justify why it was reasonable for police to suspect me of suffering from a mental disorder. 

5.       In addition, I asked for the names and the passport numbers of the tenants living in flat located at BLK 279, #10-220, Tampines Street 22, 520279. It is clear to me that police turned their back on the espionage activities in that flat. 

My request to IMH
6.       I copy this email to Associate Professor Chua Hong Choon, the CEO of IMH, and Senior Consultant Dhanesh Kumar Gupta, the person in charge of Ward 35B. I request them to justify why I was hospitalized to Ward 35B on Jan 1, 2019 by psychiatrists in IMH.

7.       Right now I am staying in the flat located at BLK 540, #02-1221,Hougang Avenue 8, 530540. I have evidence to show that the flat is controlled by Security and Intelligence Division. I would like to remind the government that the only way to stop me from protesting against Singapore’s Watergate scandal is not 24 hour surveillance but 24 hour custody.

8.       I will write to the PM office soon.

9.       Thank you.


Yan Jun


