
A possible case of sedition_Letter to AGC

See here for the attached file

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Sunday, 14 January, 2018 04:19
To: 'AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg)' <AGC@agc.gov.sg>
Cc: 'SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ' <SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg>; 'Lim Hock (limhock1@yahoo.com)' <limhock1@yahoo.com>
Subject: A possible case of sedition (FB20180114/0004)

Dear AGC,

1.      I would like to draw your attention to a possible case of sedition.

Police report
2.      I have already made a police report with reference number FB20180114/0004 against Lim Hock whose email address was limhock1@yahoo.com on his seditious words. In his email, he suggested that I “collaborate and team up with anti-government people”. He also claimed that “Chee Soon Juan also likes to protest. Why not team up with him?” For details, please see the attached file or the message below.

My decision
3.      I am going to report this case to the international community because seditious tendency can interfere with the purpose of my protests, or to expose to the public the corruption in the judiciary and the PAP government. As stated in my police report, I have no intention of undermining the administration of the PAP government.

4.      I also copy this email to limhock1@yahoo.com and I hope this Lim Hock can assist the police with their investigation.

5.      Thank you.


Yan Jun
(NRIC: S7684361I)

Category: Others
Subject: A possible case of sedition

I would like to report a possible case of sedition to the police.

In July and November last year, I protested at Raffle Place against judicial corruption and requested PM Lee Hsien Loong to resign over the Terrex conspiracy.

On Jan 13, 2018 at 00:31am, I received an email from a Lim Hock whose email address was limhock1@yahoo.com. (See attached file)

In this email, Lim Hock suggested that I “collaborate and team up with anti-government people”. He also suggested that I “bring some people along” during my protest “to ensue your rights are not violated”. Most importantly, Lim Hock claimed that “Chee Soon Juan also likes to protest. Why not team up with him?”

In my reply, I made it clear that I most likely would team up with others to continue with my protest against corruption.

It is evident that this Lim Hock has persuaded me to undermine the administration of the PAP government. So now I report Lim Hock to the police for investigations into a possible case of sedition.


