
My 18th email to PM Lee Hsien Loong dated Jul 3, 2021 about the WEF 2021 Plot

 Attachment: The WEF 2021 Plot

How I discovered the WEF 2021 Plot

My letter to the US Embassy in Singapore



From: Yan Jun
Sent: Saturday, 3 July 2021 14:45
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM)
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); CHEE Yam Cheng (Singapore Medical Council); CHIA Jin Ming Benjamin (SPS, B cluster); Daniel FUNG (IMH); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (SPS, B4); HOONG Wee Teck (SPF); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs); LEE Chien Earn (CGH); LOH Hong Wai (SPS, B5); Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); ONG Ye Kung (MOH); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SHIE Yong Lee (shie_yong_lee@pris.gov.sg); SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ; STB Feedback (STB) (stb_feedback@stb.gov.sg); Subra SURESH (NTU); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS, B2); TAN Chun-Yuan Avryl (SPS, B3); TAN Wee Teck;
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Subject: The WEF 2021 Plot (Protest: 3pm, Jul 3, 2021)


Dear PM Lee Hsien Loong,


I am writing to inform the international community of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2021 Plot, or the WEF special meeting it Singapore.


This plot was undertaken by the WEF, the Singapore government and the US government. The plot didn’t work out according to the Singapore government’s plan so was cancelled by the WEF on May 17, 2021. It should note that the US President Joe Biden has personally involved in this plot.


The WEF 2021 plot

This plot was meant to serve two purposes. One purpose was to provide an opportunity for the WEF to mobilize world leaders to show their support to the Singapore PAP government despite the fact that Singaporeans generally didn’t have a goodwill in Singapore General Election 2020 (GE2020). Since I had used the outcome of GE 2020 as evidence against Article 21 of the UDHR in my email to the UN Chief dated Nov 1, 2020, this special meeting was used at a global level to counter my criticisms.


The WEF meeting was supposed to take place after PM Lee completed his political succession plan so the meeting could be used to ensure the political stability of Singapore. PM Lee preferred to release me before the start of his succession plan to show that the Singapore government was not in fear of my protest.


The other purpose of this meeting was to provide an opportunity for the Biden administration to go ahead with its plan to contain China by using the US-China trade war. However, neither the WEF nor the US government was able to control my release from prison so they had to establish secret communications with the Singapore government, which explains why President Biden was involved in this plot.


On Feb 5, 2021 local time, President Biden said in a CBS interview that the Chinese President Xi Jinping didn’t have a democratic bone. President Biden purposely did the interview after receiving the information provided by the Singapore government in relation to my release.


On Feb 5 Singapore time, I filed a Notice of Appeal in response to the pressure resulting from a trap set by officers Chen Congyi, Kenny Kuah Shaw Long and inmate Allen Vincent Hui Kim Seng  in Changi Prison at 5pm on Feb 4 for the purpose of driving me out of prison.


In the attached essay “the WEF 2021 Plot”, I gave a brief but clear account of the WEF 2021 plan and how I discovered it. In the assay “How I discovered the WEF 2021 Plot”, I gave a detailed account of the espionage activities by the Singapore government and my counterintelligence work in prison but haven’t proofread it.  


The real cause of the trade war

The secret communications between the Singapore and the US government have provided the conclusive evidence to disprove the alleged cause of the trade war, or to “force China to make changes to what the U.S. says are unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft.” It is self-evident that the US government started the trade war to maintain the political stability of Singapore by stopping the Chinese government from exposing the Singapore’s Terrex conspiracy to the world. I doubt that the American people including American farmers would sacrifice their own interests for the sake of political stability of Singapore, even if Singapore is a democratic country. 


The will of the people and the US Congress

In addition to the outcome of GE 2020, the unanimous supports that Ambassador Katherin Tai won during her nomination process for United States Trade Representative (USTR) can be used to serve my 2nd line of evidence against Article 21 of the UDHR.


According to Wikipedia, Ambassador Tai was “reported out of the Senate Finance Committee by unanimous consent, and confirmed unanimously on March 17, 2021, in a 98–0 vote of the Senate, becoming the only member of Biden’s cabinet to receive unanimous support”. Since the Senate represents the American people on an equal state basis, the will of the Senate certainly represents the will of the American people.


Given the fact that Ambassador Tai was largely an unknown figure before her nomination, I have enough reason to believe that it was out of practical considerations but not in accordance with meritocratic ideals that President Biden nominated Katherin Tai as USTR.


If President Biden saw me as a person who brought down former US president Donald Trump, Ambassador Tai was an ideal candidate to fight and finally win the trade war with China because she could be conveniently seen as my US counterpart. In fact, Ambassador Tai had considerable similarities with me. She was around my age, stayed in China for 2 years, spoke fluent mandarin, and had a biology background since her parents were biologists. 


Since the US government was at fault for spying on me in 2019, President Biden’s nomination of Tai as USTR has little moral worth. Consequently the value of this nomination will be determined by the outcome of the trade war. Given the fact that the senators were supposed to know the purpose of this nomination, the unanimous support from the Senate was equivalent to the unanimous support from the American people.


After an exposure of the involvement of the Biden administration in this plot, the US government will be logically in a worse position in the trade war. At this moment, I doubt that this unanimous support from the Senate is right morally and technically.


If the 2021 Capitol attack happened again on the grounds of President Biden's misconduct and for the purpose of restoring America's global image, I reasoned that it would be impossible for the government to intervene, because the US Congress would be at fault for not having a goodwill to prevent the unpleasant situation during the nomination process. Such a movement would be a typical example of democratic movement, like my protest against judicial corruption or against the Terrex Conspiracy in Singapore.


The will of the people and the UN

In response to my criticisms of Article 21 of UNHR, neither the UN Chief nor the UNs has replied to me. According to Wikipedia, “Incumbent Antonio Guterres was the only official candidate for the position. His re-election was ratified by the United Nations General Assembly by acclamation on June 18, 2021, without a vote.”


Mr. Guterres has betrayed not only the principles of the UN charter by completely ignoring judicial corruption in Singapore.  He has chosen to avoid the problem instead of facing it, and even human rights activists criticised him openly. So far, I haven’t received any response to my petition submitted on May 19, 2016 to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and the formal petition submitted on Feb 18, 2016 to the Working group on arbitrary detention. As such, the re-election of Mr. Guterres as the UN Chief has violated the principle of meritocracy.


Given the fact that individual countries didn’t cast their ballots for the candidate, I am wondering whether the UNs can publicly respond to the question about whether Mr. Guterres’s re-election represents the will of the citizen of the world.


If the answer is yes, this re-election serves as my 3rd line of evidence against Article 21 of the UDHR. If the answer is No, then what is legitimacy of this re-election? If the appointment of the UN Chief can be manipulated, it doesn’t make much sense to talk to democracy and independence, let alone the international rules-based order.


Changi prison

Changi prison is full of espionage activities and prisoner abuse. On Jun 5, 2020, officers Edwin Goh and Kenny Kuah Shaw Long forcibly transferred me to a psychiatric ward in response to my hunger strike started one day ago. Officer Edwin Goh showed some sympathy. While they claimed that the transfer was made to ensure my health, I didn’t get any medical check-up or treatment in the ward. On the contrary, officers tied me to a bed with 3 handcuffs overnight.


On the morning of Jun 6, Dr. Yim Sit Wai totally ignored my repeatedly requests for medical treatment. At about 10am, Superintendent Tan Wee Teck clearly told me that I would remain cuffed unless I had a meal. He refused to justify why to transfer a health inmate to a psychiatric ward. I didn’t get any treatment in this ward. On Mar 3, 2021, the same thing happened again and the only difference was that only one handcuff was used. On Mar 2 at 9:30am, Supt. Tan even ordered officer to arrest me for going on a hunger strike at lunch time when it hadn’t started yet. 


I have read the articles wrote by Officer Chen Conyi and Lim Wei Jiat and found that they were unable to get a decent job before joining Singapore Prison Service. Officer Kenny Long has ruthlessly bullied inmates for a promotion to an Assistant Superintendent position. Any person who has a soul would be unlikely to work as a prison officer in Changi Prison.


A serious problem is that doctors in Changi prison are not subjects to any complaints and not getting any punishment. Dr. Yim Sit Wai thought he was a God in front of inmates.  The most suitable medication for my ear infection is Levofloxacin.


My request to PM Lee

I have provided the definitive evidence of the active role played by the PAP government in the WEF Plot. Given the Terrex Conspiracy and Singapore’s Watergate scandal I had experienced, it is safe for me to claim that Singapore under PAP’s rule is a land of spies. A totalitarian regime is maintained by lies, corrupt judges and secret police. One more factor in the case of Singapore is the support from the US government. 


I would request PM Lee to publically respond to my claim of WEF 2021 plot against the PAP government. It is a very serious matter for making use of the whole world for PM Lee’s political succession plan. In my opinion, the PAP government ought to hold a referendum on the validity of GE 2020. It is evident the Singapore under PAP’s rule has no future at all because the PAP government has destroy Singapore’s global image.


My request to the US government

In a G7 summit, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said "It is not our purpose to try to contain China or to hold China down". I would request the US government to justify the secret communications between the Singapore and the US government and to explain why Singapore and my protests were involved in the trade war negotiation. I am a neutral party and in no connection with any organization. 


Before the presidential election, Present Biden claimed that he sought the presidency to restore the soul of America. Roughly two weeks after taking office, President Biden had personally engaged in secret communications with Singapore government. It is fair for me to request for President Biden’s stepping down.


I stand by every word in this email and I am ready to be extradited to the US to face justice. I encourage the US intelligence to check my essays for flaws and discrepancies.


My suggestion to the US and Chinese trade representative

I have already shown that the purpose of the trade war is to provide an opportunity for the US government to protect the Singapore government by stopping the Chinese government from exposing Singapore’s Terrex Conspiracy. Since the root cause of the trade war is the Terrex detention issue and I am the person who uncovered this conspiracy, I have already deeply involved in the progress of the US-China trade war. In the strictest sense, the US-China trade war negotiation is a 4-party talk among the US, China, Singapore and I, who act as an independent international entity in this talk.


I would suggest that the US and the Chinese trade reprehensive invite PM Lee Hsien Loong and me to witness the singing of the agreement in Hong Kong, the very place that the Terrex detention issue took place.


I wish to take this opportunity to show the extent to which the justice-based liberty can reach to the world including the freedom-loving protesters in Hong Kong.


My request to the Hong Kong government

By reporting the Terrex conspiracy to the international community, I have fairly handled the Terrex detention issue and thus have technically helped the Hong Kong government. I would appreciate it if the Hong Kong government can provide me with the accommodation and air tickets if I can witness the singing of the trade war agreement in Hong Kong.  


My Protest

I am going to hold a demonstration outside the US embassy at about 3pm on Jul 3, 2021 to support my claim of the WEF 2021 plot and my request to the US President Biden for his stepping down.


Thank you.



Yan Jun/严峻




