From: ICA IC Unit (ICA)
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 10:55 AM
To: Yan Jun
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 10:55 AM
To: Yan Jun
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)
Dear Yan Jun,
We refer to your email.
The contents of your e-mail is receiving our attention and we are looking into
the matter. As the assessment of an appeal takes time, we will inform you of
the outcome in due course.
*Note: The car park adjacent to ICA Building is closed for construction
works from 1 Jan 2020. As there are limited parking facilities
around ICA Building, you are encouraged to take public transport when you visit
Thanks and regards.
Li Sin (Ms)
Card (Citizen Services)

Immigration & Checkpoints
Authority W FB

"Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this message. If
you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy, distribute or take any
action in reliance thereon. Communication of any information in this email to
any unauthorised person is an offence under the Official Secrets Act (Cap 213).
Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this in error."
Yan Jun <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 6:04 PM
To: ICA IC Unit (ICA) <>
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 6:04 PM
To: ICA IC Unit (ICA) <>
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)
Dear Ms. Tan Li
I refer to your email dated Mar 24, 2020 with
regard to my inquiry about a replacement of my IC.
I had already done a thorough search before I
made the police report on Feb 12, 2019. I was unable to apply for a replacement
within 14 days after the IC was stolen because I was waiting for police
investigation. In fact, I had provided sufficient information to the
investigating officer.
However, in my email dated Feb 12, 2019,
I did inform my stolen IC to Attorney General Lucien Wong and Minster for Home
Affairs K. Shanmugam. Please see Para 4 of the attached file for the police
report G/20190212/7013.
I would like to appeal for a waiver of the
replacement fee on the grounds that I am the victim of a theft case.
My new address is APT BLK 419 BEDOK NORTH STREET
1 #11-192 SINGAPORE 460419. Please see attached Pre-Notification Letter for
Change of Address for details.
Thank you.
Yan Jun
-----Original Message-----
From: ICA IC Unit (ICA) []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:15 AM
Subject: FW: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report)
From: ICA IC Unit (ICA) []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:15 AM
Subject: FW: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report)
Dear Yan Jun,
We refer to your email.
We would suggest you conduct a thorough search for your IC. If you are
unsuccessful in locating it, you are required to replace it in person over at
our counters.
The misplaced IC has to be reported and replaced in person within 14 days from
the date of loss, at ICA building level 3. The holder will need to furnish the
following to replace the lost identity card:
a) Police report (optional). In the absence of a police report, a statutory
declaration will be executed during the replacement;
b) A recently taken, coloured, passport-size photograph (35mm x 45mm) taken
against a white background with matt finish and taken within the recent 3
c) IC replacement fee ($100 for the first loss and $300 for second and
subsequent losses) payable by Nets; and
d) Supporting documents for any change of particulars/ address
If you wish to appeal for the wavier of the replacement fee, you may wish to
confirm with us through this email that you would like to appeal for an wavier.
*Note: The car
park adjacent to ICA Building is closed for construction works from 1 Jan 2020.
As there are limited parking facilities around ICA Building, you are encouraged
to take public transport when you visit ICA.
Thanks and regards.
Tan Li Sin (Ms)
Identity Card
(Citizen Services)
& Checkpoints Authority W FB
"Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this message. If
you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy, distribute or take any
action in reliance thereon. Communication of any information in this email to
any unauthorised person is an offence under the Official Secrets Act (Cap 213).
Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this in error."
Sent: Thursday,
March 19, 2020 11:02 PM
Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New
Investigation Officer assigned to report)
Dear ICA
My NRIC was
stolen on Feb 9, 2019 in the unit of #02-1221, BLK 540, Hougang Ave 8,
S'530540. On Feb 12, 2019, I made a police report (G/20190212/7013) online.
Please check page 3 of my police report.
I also forward
the reply from the police on Feb 12, 2019 with regard to my report. Since I
haven't received a reply from the police so far, I copy my email to the
investigating officer TAN SZE HERNG.
Can you kindly
advise me the procedure to get a replacement IC? How much shall I pay for the
replacement? I hope the answer is not $300.
Thank you.
Please reply to me at your earliest convenience.
Yan Jun
Sent: Tuesday,
February 12, 2019 2:57 PM
Subject: POLICE
REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report
I refer to your
Police report lodged on 12/02/2019.
Your report has
been forwarded to the following police unit for follow-up:
Unit : Hougang N.P.C
Investigation Officer In-charge : TAN SZE HERNG
Number : 64890999
An official copy
of your report is attached below. Please quote this report no.
G/20190212/7013 for future reference. You may wish to print a copy of the
report for your retention.
Yours faithfully
Lim Thian Leng
Police Centre
Singapore Police
(This is an
auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email.)