
The reply from the ICA dated Mar 27, 2020 in response to my request for a replacement IC

From: ICA IC Unit (ICA) [mailto:ICA_IC_Unit@ica.gov.sg]
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 10:55 AM
To: Yan Jun
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)

Dear Yan Jun,

We refer to your email.

2          The contents of your e-mail is receiving our attention and we are looking into the matter. As the assessment of an appeal takes time, we will inform you of the outcome in due course.

*Note: The car park adjacent to ICA Building is closed for construction works from 1 Jan 2020. As there are limited parking facilities around ICA Building, you are encouraged to take public transport when you visit ICA.

Thanks and regards.

Tan Li Sin (Ms)
Identity Card (Citizen Services)

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority   W ica.gov.sg    FB fb.com/Immigration.Checkpoints.Authority    
WARNING: "Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this message. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance thereon. Communication of any information in this email to any unauthorised person is an offence under the Official Secrets Act (Cap 213). Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this in error."

From: Yan Jun <medp1128@hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 6:04 PM
To: ICA IC Unit (ICA) <
Subject: RE: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013)

Dear Ms. Tan Li Sin,

1.      I refer to your email dated Mar 24, 2020 with regard to my inquiry about a replacement of my IC.

2.      I had already done a thorough search before I made the police report on Feb 12, 2019. I was unable to apply for a replacement within 14 days after the IC was stolen because I was waiting for police investigation. In fact, I had provided sufficient information to the investigating officer.  

3.      However, in my email dated Feb 12, 2019, I did inform my stolen IC to Attorney General Lucien Wong and Minster for Home Affairs K. Shanmugam. Please see Para 4 of the attached file for the police report G/20190212/7013.

4.      I would like to appeal for a waiver of the replacement fee on the grounds that I am the victim of a theft case.  

5.      My new address is APT BLK 419 BEDOK NORTH STREET 1 #11-192 SINGAPORE 460419. Please see attached Pre-Notification Letter for Change of Address for details.

6.      Thank you.

Yan Jun

-----Original Message-----
From: ICA IC Unit (ICA) [
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 9:15 AM
Subject: FW: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report)

Dear Yan Jun,

               We refer to your email.

2             We would suggest you conduct a thorough search for your IC. If you are unsuccessful in locating it, you are required to replace it in person over at our counters.

3             The misplaced IC has to be reported and replaced in person within 14 days from the date of loss, at ICA building level 3. The holder will need to furnish the following to replace the lost identity card:

               a) Police report (optional). In the absence of a police report, a statutory declaration will be executed during the replacement;

               b) A recently taken, coloured, passport-size photograph (35mm x 45mm) taken against a white background with matt finish and taken within the recent 3 months;

               c) IC replacement fee ($100 for the first loss and $300 for second and subsequent losses) payable by Nets; and

               d) Supporting documents for any change of particulars/ address

4             If you wish to appeal for the wavier of the replacement fee, you may wish to confirm with us through this email that you would like to appeal for an wavier.

*Note: The car park adjacent to ICA Building is closed for construction works from 1 Jan 2020. As there are limited parking facilities around ICA Building, you are encouraged to take public transport when you visit ICA.

               Thanks and regards.

Tan Li Sin (Ms)
Identity Card (Citizen Services)

Immigration & Checkpoints Authority   W ica.gov.sg    FB fb.com/Immigration.Checkpoints.Authority    

WARNING: "Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this message. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance thereon. Communication of any information in this email to any unauthorised person is an offence under the Official Secrets Act (Cap 213). Please notify the sender immediately if you receive this in error."

-----Original Message-----
From: Yan Jun <medp1128@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 11:02 PM
To: ICA IC Unit (ICA) <ICA_IC_Unit@ica.gov.sg>
Cc: Sze Herng TAN (SPF) <TAN_Sze_Herng@spf.gov.sg>
Subject: Replacement of a stolen IC (FW: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report)

Dear ICA officer,

My NRIC was stolen on Feb 9, 2019 in the unit of #02-1221, BLK 540, Hougang Ave 8, S'530540. On Feb 12, 2019, I made a police report (G/20190212/7013) online. Please check page 3 of my police report.

I also forward the reply from the police on Feb 12, 2019 with regard to my report. Since I haven't received a reply from the police so far, I copy my email to the investigating officer TAN SZE HERNG.

Can you kindly advise me the procedure to get a replacement IC? How much shall I pay for the replacement? I hope the answer is not $300.

Thank you. Please reply to me at your earliest convenience.

Yan Jun

-----Original Message-----
From: SPF Electronic Police Centre [mailto:SPF_Electronic_Police_Centre@spf.gov.sg]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 2:57 PM
Subject: POLICE REPORT G/20190212/7013 - New Investigation Officer assigned to report



I refer to your Police report lodged on 12/02/2019.

Your report has been forwarded to the following police unit for follow-up:

  Police Unit : Hougang N.P.C
  Investigation Officer In-charge : TAN SZE HERNG
  Contact Number : 64890999

An official copy of your report is attached below.  Please quote this report no. G/20190212/7013 for future reference.  You may wish to print a copy of the report for your retention.

Yours faithfully

Lim Thian Leng
Electronic Police Centre
Singapore Police Force
(This is an auto-generated email. Please do not reply to this email.)


State Courts' reply dated Mar 24, 2020

From: contact@StateCourts.gov.sg [mailto:contact@StateCourts.gov.sg]
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 10:41 AM
To: medp1128@hotmail.com
Subject: Re : State Courts (Reference No.: 20200312.222) Prison Letters from Yan Jun

Dear Mr Yan Jun,

We refer to your letter dated 5 March 2020 received by State Courts on 12 March 2020.

2.  The bail pending appeal application was heard on 18 March 2020 at 09:00 AM in Court 24A.

3.  We note that the court has granted the said application and you are currently on $15,000 Personal Bond Pending Appeal.

4.  Thank you.

Best Regards
Sherin Banu
Criminal Justice Division 
State Courts  |  1 Havelock Square, Singapore 059724
Website: www.statecourts.gov.sg | Hotline:1800–JUSTICE(1800 – 587 8423)


Letter to the State Court dated Mar 21, 2020

Attachment: 1.Bond-2020-0318-901474

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2020 5:44 PM
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); CHIA Jin Ming Benjamin (benjamin_chia@pris.gov.sg); Desmond Chin (SPS) (desmond_chin@pris.gov.sg); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg); Hong Choon Chua (hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg); HOONG Wee Teck; Jean Paul THIERY (bchtjp@nus.edu.sg); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs); KOO Boon Wah (SPS); Kumar Gupta Dhanesh (gmsdk@nus.edu.sg); Lee Chien Earn (CGH); LOH Hong Wai; Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ; SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS) (tan_bin_kiat@pris.gov.sg); TAN Chun-Yuan Avryl (SPS); TEO Seng Minh Colin (SPS); WEE Lian-Chyuan Wilfred (wilfred_wee@pris.gov.sg); 'Freedom House'; info@article19.org; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)'; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)'; Yu Hah Ming (mingyu.hah@amnesty.org); Gail Davidson (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada); International Association of Judges; Talia Dove (International Bar Association); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); editor.sh@sinarharian.com.my; editor@malaysiakini.com; editorial@sinchew.com.my; estherng@thestar.com.my; newscentre@chinapress.com.my; Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; Asia times; Jon Fasman (Economists) ; Keith Bradsher (New York Times); 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; Reporters Without Borders (dbastard@rsf.org); Rico Hizon (BBC); Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse); 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'; Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg); US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov)
Subject: Update of information and a complaint of a cover up

Dear State Courts,


1.      I refer to the above-mentioned personal bond I signed on Mar 18, 2020.

The update of my mailing address and mobile number
2.      Currently I don’t have a mailing address. As clearly stated in the attachment of my email to PM Lee Hsien Loong dated Nov 20, 2019, the unit I stayed before my protest was BLK142, #07-1553, Bedok Reservoir Road, Singapore 470142. The address set out in the bail bond was the most accurate one I could give at the time.  

3.      Now the unit is occupied by a different owner. I will certainly update my mailing address after I get one. I would appreciate it if the State Courts send me a soft copy of Petition of Appeal by email, so I can process it in accordance with the law.

4.      My current mobile number is 82456386.

A cover-up by Changi Prison
5.      In the attached file, I have complained about Changi Prison for deliberately coving up their mismanagement which gave rise to the vicious assault I suffered on Dec 20, 2019. After the incident, Changi prison didn’t provide me with medical treatment but instead, made every effort to relieve responsibility for their misconduct by working together with the Supreme Court and the State Courts.

6.      The general election is coming so the government ought to respond to my complaint about Changi Prison’s suppressive and inhuman rule before it. In Changi Prison, prisoners only have a right to sleep. They don’t have a right to eat because a hunger strike is illegal. They don’t have a right for proper medical treatment because the prison authorities have adopted a policy of forced medical treatment. My recent imprisonment has showed that prisoners are treated as if they were animals.

My requests:
7.      With the regard to the personal bond mentioned above, I would request the State Court to explain why the bail center didn’t comply with Justice Chan Seng Onn’s order to award a person bond to me on Feb 7, 2020?  Why didn’t the judge at Bail Center inform me to use my movable personal property as security for the personal bond on Feb 7?

8.      With regard to the incident of the assault, I would request the State Court to look into this matter. It were the State Courts who made the direction to detain me in Changi Prison so the State Courts have a duty to ensure my safety. I am asking for an unaltered copy of the CCTV footage of the incident so a doctor can easily judge whether the diagnosis of contusion of face made by Changi General Hospital (CGH) is correct. The CCTV footage should at least cover the part from the beginning of the dayroom activity to the point when I got out of dayroom. I will ask PM Lee Hsien Loong for it if I cannot get it before I write to the international community.

9.      I think CGH ought to state its position with regard to the correctness of the diagnosis made by its doctor on Dec 20, 2019 and Dr.Tan Nigel Choon Kiat’s response to my request for a CT scan of my brain.

10.   I also request the State Courts to look into why Changi Prison persistently refused to provide me with a CT-scan of my brain and refused to let me contact the Chinese embassy and the US embassy in Singapore for assistance. If I encounter an emergency, I may contact them directly for assistance.

11.   It is really difficult to fight with a state machinery alone. I would request to the international community for assistance. At this moment, I need financial assistance for medical examinations and treatment. My bank account is Singapore OCBC (Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) 555-6-020153.  

12.   Thank you.

Yan Jun
(NRIC: S7684361I, Inmate number: S08832020)


My 13th letter to PM Lee Hsien Loong

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 3:50 PM
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM)
Cc: Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk); HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk); AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); Desmond Chin (SPS) (desmond_chin@pris.gov.sg); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg); Hong Choon Chua (hong_choon_chua@imh.com.sg); HOONG Wee Teck; Jean Paul THIERY (bchtjp@nus.edu.sg); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs); KOO Boon Wah (SPS); Kumar Gupta Dhanesh (gmsdk@nus.edu.sg); Lee Chien Earn (CGH); Mandarin Self Storage (hougang@mandarinselfstorage.com.sg); Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ; SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS) (tan_bin_kiat@pris.gov.sg); helpdesk@gdexpress.com; swsam@ymail.com; Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project); Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre); Yuri Fedotov (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime); Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University); Garry Rodan (Murdoch University); Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu); S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore); Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) ; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University); 'Freedom House'; Human Rights First (feedback@humanrightsfirst.org); info@article19.org; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)'; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)'; Yu Hah Ming (mingyu.hah@amnesty.org); Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk); Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca); Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in); Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz); Supreme Court of South Africa (PaMyburgh@justice.gov.za); The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); editor.sh@sinarharian.com.my; editor@malaysiakini.com; editorial@sinchew.com.my; estherng@thestar.com.my; newscentre@chinapress.com.my; Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; Asia times; Jon Fasman (Economists) ; Keith Bradsher (New York Times); 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; Reporters Without Borders (dbastard@rsf.org); Rico Hizon (BBC); Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse); 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'; Indonesia Embassy (info@indonesianembassy.sg); Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg); Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com); Thailand Embassy (thaisgp@singnet.com.sg); Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn); Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar); Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br); Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg); Saudi Arabia Embassy (sgemb@mofa.gov.sa); South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za); South Korea Embassy (korembsg@mofa.go.kr); Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr); Australia Embassy (info.ausg@vfshelpline.com); Canada Embassy (spore@international.gc.ca); German Embassy (info@singapur.diplo.de); Italy Embassy (ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it); Japan Embassy (infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp); US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov)
Subject: Protest at Raffle Place (Nov 20, 2019, 5pm)

Dear PM Lee Hsien Loong,

I refer to my email dated Sep 11, 2019 about the PAP government’s cunning plan for General Election (GE) 2019.

I am going to stage a protest at the central square outside Raffle Place MRT station on Nov 20 at 5pm. Right now. I am at the central square with my luggage.  

I had planned to protest during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to Singapore, but I am not sure whether the president will come to Singapore or not. I’d better choose the time that works best for me.

Since Singapore’s legal system is totally corrupt, I have no intention of applying for any protest permit. If the government see my protest as illegal, police can easily arrest me on the spot. I do not accept any move-on direction issued by police. Police have no right and are unable to change my mindset. 

I will copy this email to Commissioner of Police Hoong Wee Teck and Singapore Police Force. Unlike other criminals, I have already provided enough information for the police to charge me with “unlawful Assembly”. It is evident that there is no need for police to carry out any investigation into my case by asking me questions. I will exercise my right to silence after police arrest me. 

The PAP’s espionage activities in Malaysia
On Oct 15, 2019, I lodged a complaint by email to GD Express, an international transportation company, of stolen package in connection with an employee of this company and copied the email to the international media.

In this email, I mentioned that the PAP government was going to use former US President Barack Obama's Singapore talk on Dec 16, 2019 to showcase the US government’s support to it. I still stand by my words.

Yap Foo Beng, a Malaysian citizen, was caught for conducting espionage activities for the PAP government in Johor Barhu of Malaysia. On Oct 15, I lodged a police report at Iskandar Pureri police station in Malaysia.

PAP’s totalitarian rule
I explained in detail in the attached file why the PAP's rule is totalitarian and why North Korean is more democratic than Singapore. One can easily prove me wrong by giving an example of judicial corruption on the part of the Supreme Court of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in which fundamental justice has been denied to each of its people.

If the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had passed a law which requires husbands to pay maintenance to wives who have misconducted themselves during the course of marriage, the CCP government would have already been toppled long time ago.

A misunderstanding of universal values
It is self-evident that something has gone wrong with Singapore’s legal system because the PAP government has steadfastly refused to charge me with Contempt of Court in repose to my repeated public protests since end of 2015 against the corrupt legal system.

Transparency International has still ranked Singapore the least corrupt country in Asia since 2016. The UN Human Rights Council and other NGOs turned their back on the issue of judicial corruption in Singapore. This fact can be easily explained by the NGO’s misunderstanding of universal values.

The universal value is the right to justice but not the human rights. No right to justice, no human rights. While human rights activists emphasize the importance of liberty, most people don’t need much liberty. It is out of respect for justice that small number of people fight relentlessly for liberty.

Unlike human rights, justice would shine like a jewel for itself. In fact, the administration of justice doesn’t require judicial independence. Although Singapore’s legal system is completely in favor of the PAP government, one can still expose the massive judicial corruption on the part of the highest court to the outside world on his own strength.   

Media bias
The Western media has widely reported on Hong Kong protests but ignored my protests. It is evident that the Western media is helping the PAP government by hiding its totalitarian rule from its people in case the PAP is voted out in the coming GE.

I am surprised to read the report saying The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 was unanimously passed in the US House of Representatives on October 15, 2019. Unless the protesters in Hong Kong can successfully take on the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal, their protests are bound to fail. What the senators ought to consider is a bill of human rights and democracy for people in Singapore.

Unlike Hong Kongers, Singaporeans have universal suffrage. With this right, Singaporeans have legitimized the PAP’s totalitarian rule for several decades. For Hong Kongers, most likely they will seek Hong Kong independence by making a revolution of their times after they obtain universal suffrage.

The right to vote is not an absolute right and can be easily misused. It can help Singaporeans support a totalitarian rule and help Hong Kongers seek independence, which is against justice.

My request
I understand that PM is now in Mexico. You intelligence officer has got the information that I wouldn’t protest today. I have changed my mind.

I would like to request PM Lee to respond in public to my allegations of judicial corruption, espionage activities and totalitarian rule.

I think the PAP should step down in the best interest of Singapore.


Yan Jun