
A complaint about a policeman to the AGC_20200331

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 7:34 PM
To: 'AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg)'; 'SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) '
Subject: Complaint about a police officer and request for legal basis

Dear AGC,

1.      I am writing to complain about Senior Staff Sergeant Dzulhilmi at Changi Neighborhood Police Centre (NPC) for abuse of power.

The facts
2.      On Mar 24, 2020, ICA sent me a Pre-Notification Letter for Change of Address. It was clear stated that “To enable us to carry out the change of address, please bring along this letter to any of the NPC or the ICA within two weeks from the date of this letter.”

3.      On Mar 31, I went to Changi NPC to update my address, officer Dzulhilmi firmly rejected my request on the grounds that I didn’t have a NRIC at the time. Since I was in the middle of applying for a replacement IC, I showed him my email communications with the ICA and my invalidated IC that was used previously. He simply claimed that he was unable to update my address in the system if I don’t have a valid NRIC.

4.      As for the requirement of two weeks, he simply told me to update the address with the ICA when I collect my new NRIC there.

5.      At the end of the conversation, he insisted that I must fill out a health declaration form which required my NRIC.I told him my IC was already invalidated, but he insisted S7684361I was my NRIC number. In addition, he forcibly took my temperature on the grounds that the MOH would quarantine me if he was found to be infected with Covid-19. When questioned the legal basis for filling out the declaration form, he was unable to answer.

The issue
6.      Under the National Registration Act, a citizen must report a change of address within 28 days of moving so the related government agencies can contact me according to law.

7.      Since officer Dzulhilmi was fully aware and genuine believed that my NRIC number was S7684361I, he should have updated my address associated with this NRIC number in the system. If a valid NRIC was compulsory to ensure officer Dzulhilmi that my NRIC was S7684361I, he shouldn’t have forced me to put S7684361I as my NRIC number in the health declaration form.

8.      It is evident that officer Dzulhilmi has abused his power by either refusing to update my address or forcing me to fill out the declaration form.

My requests
9.      The general election is coming so the government will mail information to voters. As a result, it is necessary for me to update my address.

10.   I would request AGC to explain why SSS Dzulhilmi could lawfully reject my request for updating my address in the system. In addition, please provide me with the legal basis for the mandatory completion of the health declaration form and the mandatory temperature measurement.

Thank you.

Yan Jun


