
My email to the US Embassy dated Jul 2, 2021

 From: Yan Jun

Sent: Friday, 2 July 2021 17:32
To: US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov)
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); CHEE Yam Cheng (Singapore Medical Council); CHIA Jin Ming Benjamin (SPS, B cluster); Daniel FUNG (IMH); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (SPS, B4); HOONG Wee Teck (SPF); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs); LEE Chien Earn (CGH); LOH Hong Wai (SPS, B5); Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); ONG Ye Kung (MOH); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SHIE Yong Lee (shie_yong_lee@pris.gov.sg); SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ; STB Feedback (STB) (stb_feedback@stb.gov.sg); Subra SURESH (NTU); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS, B2); TAN Chun-Yuan Avryl (SPS, B3); TAN Wee Teck;
广东省人民政府(service@gd.gov.cn); Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk); HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk); Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project); Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre); Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University); Garry Rodan (Murdoch University); Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu); S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore); Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) ; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University); David Kaye (dkaye@law.uci.edu); 'Freedom House'; info@article19.org; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)'; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)'; World Psychiatric Association (wpasecretariat@wpanet.org); Yu Hah Ming (mingyu.hah@amnesty.org); Gail Davidson (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada); International Association of Judges; Talia Dove (International Bar Association); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); editor.sh@sinarharian.com.my; estherng@thestar.com.my; newscentre@chinapress.com.my; Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; Jon Fasman (Economists) ; Keith Bradsher (New York Times); 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; Reporters Without Borders (dbastard@rsf.org); Rico Hizon (BBC); Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse); 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk); Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca); Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in); Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz); The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk); Indonesia Embassy (singapura.kbri@kemlu.go.id); Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg); Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com); Thailand Embassy (thaisgp@singnet.com.sg); Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn); Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar); Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br); Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg); South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za); South Korea Embassy (korembsg@mofa.go.kr); Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr)
Subject: A letter to the US Embassy (3pm, Jul 3, 2021)


Dear the US Embassy in Singapore,


I am Yan Jun, who protested outside the US embassy on Nov 2, 2020 against the US government for spying on me in Johor Bahru of Malaysia in 2019.


I am writing to inform the US Embassy that I am going to submit a letter to the embassy at 3pm tomorrow (Jul 3, 2021), if the Singapore government doesn’t stop me from doing so. I would appreciate it if the embassy informs the President Biden of the contents of this email.


Thanks you.



Yan Jun

(Singapore NRIC: S7684361I)

#104, Hotel Conforto


