
My 16th email to PM Lee Hsien Loong (Oct 10, 2020)

 Attachment: Spying activities in EZ Secure Storage Company

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From: Yan Jun
Sent: Saturday, 10 October 2020 8:31 pm
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM)
Cc: AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg); CHIA Jin Ming Benjamin (SPS, B cluster); Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg); FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (SPS, B4); Gan Kim Yong (Minister for Health); Hong Choon Chua (IMH); HOONG Wee Teck (SPF); K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs); LEE Chien Earn (CGH); LOH Hong Wai (SPS, B5); Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg); Nigel Tan Choon Kiat (NTU); PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg); QSM_STATE (STATECOURTS) (STATECOURTS_QSM@StateCourts.gov.sg); SHIE Yong Lee (shie_yong_lee@pris.gov.sg); SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) ; Subra SURESH (NTU); SUPCOURT QSM (SUPCOURT); Tan Bin Kiat (SPS, B2); TAN Chun-Yuan Avryl (SPS, B3); TAN Wee Teck;
广东省人民政府(service@gd.gov.cn); Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk); HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk); Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project); Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre); Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University); Garry Rodan (Murdoch University); Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu); S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore); Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) ; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University); 'Freedom House'; info@article19.org; mail@globalwitness.org; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)'; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)'; Yu Hah Ming (mingyu.hah@amnesty.org); Gail Davidson (Lawyers Rights Watch Canada); International Association of Judges; Talia Dove (International Bar Association); Lian He Wan Bao (wanbao@sph.com.sg); news@theindependent.sg; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com); Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg); Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg); Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg); Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg); editor.sh@sinarharian.com.my; editor@malaysiakini.com; editorial@sinchew.com.my; estherng@thestar.com.my; newscentre@chinapress.com.my; Hong Kong Journalists Association (hkja@hkja.org.hk); Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com); Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc); SCMP (letters@scmp.com); Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) ; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk); Taiwan news (service@taiwannews.com.tw); United Daily News (newspro@udn.com); 'Apple Daily'; Asia times; Jon Fasman (Economists) ; Keith Bradsher (New York Times); 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)'; 'Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post)'; Reporters Without Borders (dbastard@rsf.org); Rico Hizon (BBC); Roberto Coloma (Agence France-Presse); 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)'; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk); Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca); Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in); Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz); Supreme Court of South Africa (PaMyburgh@justice.gov.za); The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk); Indonesia Embassy (singapura.kbri@kemlu.go.id); Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg); Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com); Thailand Embassy (thaisgp@singnet.com.sg); Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn); Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar); Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br); Russia Embassy (russian_embassy@singnet.com.sg); Saudi Arabia Embassy (sgemb@mofa.gov.sa); South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za); South Korea Embassy (korembsg@mofa.go.kr); Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr); Australia Embassy (info.ausg@vfshelpline.com); Canada Embassy (spore@international.gc.ca); German Embassy (info@singapur.diplo.de); Italy Embassy (ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it); Japan Embassy (infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp); US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov)
Subject: Singapore Intelligence


Dear PM Lee Hsien Loong,


I am writing to the PM to complain about the espionage activities by Singapore Intelligence. In addition, I have attached the new evidence of the Malaysian Intelligence’s work and will talk more in my future emails. I also complain about the inhumane treatment of inmates by Changi Prison.


General Election (GE) 2020 and US government’s espionage

On Jun 17, 2020, I sent an email to the PM and claimed the spying activities conducted by US and the Malaysian government on me in Johor Bahru of Malaysia in 2019. On Jun 20, I surrendered to the State Courts to delay the GE but failed. I was discharged from Changi Prison on Sep 30.


Although the PAP government had made every effort to ensure that I was on the outside during the GE 2020, the PM hastily called GE on Jun 23, or 3 days after I returned to Changi Prison. The only explanation for this snap election is that the PM was scared of my disclosure of the US government’s espionage to the international community. The disclosure would lead to the reports of the PAP’s misconduct such as Singapore’s corrupt legal system, the Terrex conspiracy, Singapore’s Watergate scandal and the PAP’s manipulation of COVID-19 situation to win the GE.


If the GE had been held in October or later, PAP would have lost the election.


Political succession and Singapore Intelligence

Now the question is when the political succession will take place. To this end, the PAP is particularly interested in when I am going to protest so further arrangements can be made in advance.


On the early morning of Oct 2, 6 intelligence officers opened by backpack at a bench outside Bedok Sports Stadium. A few hours later, I complained this matter to Commissioner of Police Hoong Wee Teck by email. I am sure police can easily find these 6 officers if they wish because the patrol police had already took the particulars of 3 officers in response to my police report (G/202001002/0027) made before the incident.


On the afternoon of Oct 2, I checked into Campbell Inn (50 Campbell Lane, Little India, 209922 Singapore) and shared a room with 4 (now 3) guests at level 1. I realized shortly after that this hostel had been manipulated by the government, and two of the 3 guests in the room were spying for the government. There are more agents in this hostel.


These officers must be interested in what I had written about recently. Before I went to sleep, I would place my laptop into my backpack and then lock the backpack (two zipper sliders) to the upper bunk bed. The key to the lock and a bootable media (a USB drive) for the laptop were put in the pocket of that the short that I was wearing. This early morning (Oct 10), these officers firstly took the key and the USB drive from my pocket and then took the laptop from my backpack. Windows event log showed that my laptop was switched for 9seconds from 5:05:43am to 5:05:52am.  


After copying the data from the laptop, these officers put the laptop back into the backpack so hastily that even left one zip slider unlocked to the bed. As for the key and the bootable media, they didn’t put them back into the pocket of my short but placed them under my pillow. I appreciated their decision. Now I am sure all 3 guests in the room are spying for the government.


At 11:14am today, I went to toilet and left the laptop running in the room. When I got back 5 minutes later, the laptop was already switched off. According to the Windows event log, it was at 11:16:09am that one officer manipulated the laptop in the room. There was only one person outside the room at the time so police can easily identify him by watching the CCTV footage if they wish.


Malaysian Intelligence

In the attached file, I provide abundant evidence to explain why EZ Secure Storage Company in Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia was spying for Malaysian government. No wonder I failed to get to get to Kuala Lumpur on Oct 9, 2019 and had to sign the agreement with EZ Secure Storage the next day.


Changi Prison’s inhume rule

In my email to the international community on Sep 30, I complained about the inhumane treatment of the inmate by Changi Prison. Medical staff members refused to provide treatment to inmates, and the prison management wouldn’t accept complaints about medical staff members.


In line with my complaint, an ex-lawyer died in Changi prison on Oct 5, 2020 after staying in a cell for only 3 days (the other 4 days were spent in either Changi General Hospital or the medical ward of Changi prison). The mainstream English newspaper didn’t report this incident. While serving my sentence in B4 in 2019, I heard 4 inmates died in B4 in about 4 months. I could confirm two of them (See my blog post Why Changi Prison is a Slave Camp at para 11, the other death happened in HU4). I am very sure that the outside world knows nothing about inmate death in Changi Prison.


On Feb 10. 2020, a Malaysian newspaper reported the “brutal and unlawful hanging methods used in Changi prison including kicks to snap prisoners’ necks”. I firmly believe this report because Changi Prison routinely treats inmates as if they were animals. Few inmates would complain about the prison because complaints filed within prison were completely useless.


Benjamin Chia, the Commander of cluster B, deliberately avoided responding to my complaints for 3 months this time. Inmates should be allowed to send complaint emails directly to newly pointed Commissioner Shie Yong Lee and the Prime Minister’s Office without interference from other prison officers including Commander Benjamin Chia. I was not allowed to write to the PM while serving my sentence.


My request

With regard to the rampant espionage activities by Singapore intelligence, I request PM Lee to give an answer to the international community whether Singapore is a police state. If intelligence officers have to touch my body when I was sleeping, I would appreciate it if this job can be done by a female officer. It is a serious matter for me. I stayed in Johor Bahru for a few months, and Malaysian intelligence officers had never touched my body physically.


The PM claimed that maintaining high global reputation is a matter of survival for Singapore. I would request the PM to justify the inhumane treatment of inmates in Changi Prison to the world.


I am determined to tell the world Singapore’s real reputation with my protest. It is time for the world to see how much assistance a totalitarian regime can get from the outside.  


Thank you.



Yan Jun




