
My email dated Sep 1, 2024 to SM Lee about my talk with the US Embassy on Sep 2, 2024 at 2pm.


From: Yan Jun
Sent: Sunday, September 1, 2024 1:00 PM
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM) <lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg>
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Subject: Talk with the US Embassy: 2pm, Sep 2, 2024
Dear SM Lee Hsien Loong, 

I refer to my email sent last night about the GE2024 and the Pope Conspiracy. The person who is responsible for all these conspiracies is Senior Judge Chao Hick Tin. On Feb 15, 2024 at about 7:30am, I protested in prison by shouting "Senior Judge Chao Hick Tin is not my equal because he doesn't believe in God." 

I have decided to talk with the US Embassy on Sep 2 at 2pm for the US government's position on these conspiracies. I have no intention of protesting now although I am able to do it at any time. 

Now I am still unable to buy a sim card that can be activated and has to use the internet Cafe. I believe Singapore Intelligence and Ministry of Digital Development and Information (DDI)should be responsible for causing this problem. My position is that a Singapore citizen's passport is a Singapore government-issued photo ID so it can be lawfully used to verify a citizen's identity. I hope DDI minister Josephine Teo can inform DDI's opinion to Singtel because Sintel Tampines branch refused to activate a Singtel prepaid card I bought yesterday. In fact, the selling of this card to me itself was a conspiracy.

On Aug 14 NUS suddenly changed its position and started to prevent visitors from staying in NUS. Justice Chao's original plan was to let me go straight to NUS after being released from prison on Jun 12, Jul 12 or 18, Aug 12 or 15 because PM Wong was expected to call the GE a few hours after my release. Since now PM Wong needs to wait for 9 days to call the GE, NUS had no choice but to become unfriendly to visitors. The real target is me but not any tourist from any country. I will let the Interntaional community know the NUS conspiracy soon. Zaobao knows this point very well. 

Yan Jun


