
My email to Xiang Yang Police dated Sep 15, 2024 for invetigatations

 Attachment:Leter to Xiang Yang Police_20240915

From: Yan Jun <medp1128@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2024 5:37 PM
襄阳市公安局 (gaj@xiangyang.gov.cn) <gaj@xiangyang.gov.cn>
Cc: Baocheng WEI (zhgxfwbc@126.com) <zhgxfwbc@126.com>; China Embassy (chinaemb_sg@mfa.gov.cn) <chinaemb_sg@mfa.gov.cn>; Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Beijing (singemb_bej@mfa.sg) <singemb_bej@mfa.sg>;
中国最高人民检察院 (xsjsxgca@163.com) <xsjsxgca@163.com>; 中国最高人民法院 (yzxx@court.gov.cn) <yzxx@court.gov.cn>; 湖北省公安厅 (hbgatjjz@sina.com) <hbgatjjz@sina.com>; 蔚蓝之海 (403615512@qq.com) <403615512@qq.com>; 襄阳日报 (xyrbszxx@126.com) <xyrbszxx@126.com>; AGC (AGC@agc.gov.sg) <AGC@agc.gov.sg>; CHEE Yam Cheng (Singapore Medical Council) <yam_cheng_chee@ttsh.com.sg>; CHIA Jin Ming Benjamin (SPS, B cluster) <benjamin_chia@pris.gov.sg>; chin_soon_theen@pris.gov.sg; Daniel FUNG (IMH) <daniel_fung@imh.com.sg>; Eng Chye Tan (uprsec@nus.edu.sg) <uprsec@nus.edu.sg>; FAISAL Bin Mustaffa (SPS, B4) <faisal_mustaffa@pris.gov.sg>; HOONG Wee Teck (SPF) <hoong_wee_teck@spf.gov.sg>; ICA IC Unit (ICA) <ICA_IC_Unit@ica.gov.sg>; K Shanmugam (Minister for Home Affairs) <k_shanmugam@mha.gov.sg>; LEE Chien Earn (CGH) <lee.chien.earn@singhealth.com.sg>; membership@nus.edu.sg; Middle East Institute (contact.mei@nus.edu.sg) <contact.mei@nus.edu.sg>; ONG Ye Kung (MOH) <ong_ye_kung@moh.gov.sg>; Online Citizen (Singapore) (theonlinecitizen@gmail.com) <theonlinecitizen@gmail.com>; Philip Bowring (The South China Morning Post) <philip@bowring.net>; PM Office (pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg) <pmo_hq@pmo.gov.sg>; SHIE Yong Lee (shie_yong_lee@pris.gov.sg) <shie_yong_lee@pris.gov.sg>; SPF Feedback Shared (SPF) (SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg) <SPF_Feedback_Shared@spf.gov.sg>; STB Feedback (STB) (stb_feedback@stb.gov.sg) <stb_feedback@stb.gov.sg>; Subra SURESH (NTU) <ntu-president@ntu.edu.sg>; TAN Chun-Yuan Avryl (SPS, B3) <avryl_tan@pris.gov.sg>; Chief Executive's Office_HK (ceo@ceo.gov.hk) <ceo@ceo.gov.hk>; HK Customs and Excise Department (customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk) <customsenquiry@customs.gov.hk>; Alejandro Ponce (The World Justice Project) <aponce@worldjusticeproject.org>; Sofie Arjon Schutte (U4 Anti-corruption resource centre) <sofie.schuette@cmi.no>; FEBS Letters (febsletters@wiley.com) <febsletters@wiley.com>; Buscaglia Edgardo (Columbia University) <ebuscaglia@law.columbia.edu>; Garry Rodan (Murdoch University) <G.Rodan@murdoch.edu.au>; Matthew Stephenson (mstephen@law.harvard.edu) <mstephen@law.harvard.edu>; medp1128@gmail.com; S.T. Quah Jon (National University of Singapore) <jonstquah@gmail.com>; Silverstein Gordon (Yale University) <gradpro.law@yale.edu>; Susan Rose Ackerman (Yale University) <susan.rose-ackerman@yale.edu>; David Kaye (dkaye@law.uci.edu) <dkaye@law.uci.edu>; 'Freedom House' <info@freedomhouse.org>; Global Witness (media@globalwitness.org) <media@globalwitness.org>; halim.kim@amnesty.org; info@article19.org; Klaus Schwab (WEF) <Klaus.Schwab@weforum.org>; 'Mickey Spiegel (Human Right Watch)' <spiegem@hrw.org>; 'Phil Robertson (Human Right Watch)' <RobertP@hrw.org>; World Psychiatric Association (wpasecretariat@wpanet.org) <wpasecretariat@wpanet.org>; news@theindependent.sg; Shin Min Daily (shinmin@sph.com.sg) <shinmin@sph.com.sg>; Straits Times (stforum@sph.com.sg) <stforum@sph.com.sg>; Today (voices@mediacorp.com.sg) <voices@mediacorp.com.sg>; Zao Bao (zblocal@sph.com.sg) <zblocal@sph.com.sg>; newscentre@chinapress.com.my; Ming Pao (mingpao@mingpao.com) <mingpao@mingpao.com>; Oriental Daily News (news@odn.on.cc) <news@odn.on.cc>; SCMP (letters@scmp.com) <letters@scmp.com>; Singtao Daily (localnews@singtao.com) <localnews@singtao.com>; The Standard (editor@thestandard.com.hk) <editor@thestandard.com.hk>; United Daily News (newspro@udn.com) <newspro@udn.com>; 'Apple Daily' <news@appledaily.com.tw>; Jon Fasman (Economists) <jonfasman@economist.com>; Keith Bradsher (New York Times) <kebrad@nytimes.com>; 'Linus Chua (Bloomberg)' <lchua@bloomberg.net>; Rico Hizon (BBC) <ricohizon@gmail.com>; 'Seiff Abby (Freelance Corrrespondent)' <aseiff@gmail.com>; Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk) <cfaenquiries@hkcfa.hk>; Supreme Court of Canada (reception@scc-csc.ca) <reception@scc-csc.ca>; Supreme Court of India (supremecourt@nic.in) <supremecourt@nic.in>; Supreme Court of New Zealand (supremecourt@justice.govt.nz) <supremecourt@justice.govt.nz>; The Privy Council (enquiries@supremecourt.uk) <enquiries@supremecourt.uk>; Indonesia Embassy (singapura.kbri@kemlu.go.id) <singapura.kbri@kemlu.go.id>; Myanmar Embassy (ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg) <ambassador@myanmarembassy.sg>; Philippines Embassy (philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com) <philippine.embassy.singapore@gmail.com>; Vietnam Embassy (vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn) <vnemb.sg@mofa.gov.vn>; Argentina Embassy (consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar) <consulares_eisia@mrecic.gov.ar>; Brazil Embassy (brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br) <brasemb.cingapura@itamaraty.gov.br>; South Africa Embassy (singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za) <singapore.consular@dirco.gov.za>; Turkey Embassy (embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr) <embassy.singapore@mfa.gov.tr>; Canada Embassy (spore@international.gc.ca) <spore@international.gc.ca>; German Embassy (info@singapur.diplo.de) <info@singapur.diplo.de>; info@vaticannews.va; Italy Embassy (ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it) <ambasciata.singapore@esteri.it>; Japan Embassy (infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp) <infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp>; US Embassy (singaporeusembassy@state.gov) <singaporeusembassy@state.gov>; alan-kay@uiowa.edu; biology@uiowa.edu; chun-fang-wu@uiowa.edu; daily-iowan@uiowa.edu; gary-gussin@uiowa.edu; jack-lilien@uiowa.edu; president@uiowa.edu; uicssahr@gmail.com
报警 要求调查 Report to the police, request for an investigation


Dear Xiang Yang Police,


I would like to request Xiang Yang Police to look into my report with regard to 2 criminal cases and 1 espionage case happened in Xiang Yang. Please see the attached file for details.


The two criminal cases are financial disputes with my former family member Yan Wen and two other persons. They  are quite easy to handle. The third case is an espionage case in connection with a murder case conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Bangkok. I am not sure whether the Chinese Police can look into this case.


The Chinese Government is already fully aware of the 3rd case. Tomorrow morning I will talk to the US Embassy in Singapore for their response to a number of conspiracies set out in my email dated Sep 13, 2024 so I need to show the international community of the financial disputes between me and Yan Wen. As a result, I will be in a position to blame CIA for committing a murder case to threaten me in July this year.


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Thank you.



Yan Jun



