
My email dated Aug 8, 2023 to PM Lee Hsien Loong about Singapore's political sucession plan, 2023 Chinese balloon conspiracy, Wagner Mutiny intrigue and others


Attachment: How I discovered the balloon conspiracy


From: Yan Jun
Sent: Tuesday, 8 August 2023 11:04 am
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM) <lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg>
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Subject: Singapore's political succession plan, 2023 Chinese balloon conspiracy, Wagner Mutiny intrigue and others


Der PM Lee Hsien Loong, 


I am writing to check with the PM about Singapore’s political succession plan. I have enough reason to believe that PM Lee is going to announce his stepping down and the start of the Singapore’s GE in his National Day message to be broadcast today at 6:45pm.   


It is self-evident that PM Lee is using the current extra marital affairs as an excuse to avoid taking responsibility of David Roach espionage scandal and other international conspiracies. These extra marital affairs wouldn’t have been exposed to public if PM Lee has no intention of stepping down now. I didn’t have time to set out the details about how I caught David Roach.   


Singapore’s political succession plans 

Attached please find a readable document I prepared last night about the Government’s unsuccessful attempts to carry out its political succession plan.  


The 2023 Chinese balloon conspiracy 

I provided the conclusive evidence in the attached document to show that the 2023 Chinese balloon incident was a conspiracy organized by the US government. The shooting down of the balloon was not the cause but the outcome of the postponement of the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s Beijing trip. The purpose of Mr. Blinken’s Beijing trip was to help PM Lee carry out his political succession plan and shooting down the balloon was just as excuse to delay his Beijing Trip.  


I am 100% sure of my conspiracy allegation and encourage the FBI to release its report on the Chinese spy balloon incident. If I am right, FBI director Christopher A. Wray ought to resign. If I am wrong, I am happy to receive any punishment.  


There are other incidents such as the G7 Hiroshima conspiracy organized by President Biden. It is self-evident that President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, CIA director William J. Burns ought to step down.  


President Biden said on May 27, 2022 that Chinese President Xi Jinping told him on the night he was elected president that “things are changing so rapidly. Democracies require a consensus, and it takes time, and you don’t have the time”. President Biden said Xi was wrong.  


I think it is time for President Biden to call back and tell the world how many scandals can make a US President step down. I still stand by my opinion stated in my email dated May 26, 2022 that Kamala Harris is going to be the first US female President.  


Wagner Mutiny intrigue 

With regard to Wagner Mutiny, I reasoned that it was an intrigue carried on by the US government to save face due to its severely tarnished international standing. 


The racism in Iowa city (Alan Kay incident and Gang Lu incident)  

In middle 2005 I was unlawfully kicked out the department of Biology of UI by Dr. Alan Kay and finally left the US at the end of 2005. Now I am in a position to request President Biden to step down over different scandals.  


President Biden said that “fate has intervened his life many many times”. I think his fate to step down as a US President was determined 18 years ago and he has to blame the racism in UI.  


The US embassy 

As stated in the attached file, I have an obligation to check with the US embassy at 2pm today to find out its position on David Roach espionage scandal, The 2023 Chinese balloon conspiracy, Wagner Mutiny intrigue, and would request the US government to reopen Gang Lu case to address the issue of racism in UI. As usual, I would sit outside the US embassy for 5 minutes if the embassy officials refuse to talk to me.  


The election manipulation and my protest 

It is self-evident that now PM Lee is not in a position to step down and all the scandals mentioned above must be address by him before the start of the GE because the PAP Government has turned Singapore from an honest broker into a vicious conspirator. If PM Lee carries out his succession plan tonight, I will protest outside the US embassy tomorrow against PAP’s manipulation of the GE. 



Yan Jun 




