
My email dated Aug 20, 2023 to PM Lee Hsien Loong regarding my protest outside the US Embassy

 Attachment: Slogan_Aug 20, 2023

From: Yan Jun
Sent: Sunday, 20 August 2023 2:30 pm
To: Lee Hsien Loong (PM) <lee_hsien_loong@pmo.gov.sg>
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Subject: Protest outside the US Embassy (Aug 20, 2023, 3pm)


Dear PM Lee Hsien Loong,


I refer to my email dated Aug 8, 2023 to PM Lee and email dated Aug 18, 2023 to the US Embassy.


My conspiracy claims and the electoral fraud

In my email dated Aug 8, I claimed that the PM was manipulating the upcoming GE by announcing his stepping down on Aug 20 National Day Rally speech to avoid addressing a series of big issues. These issues include the Terrex conspiracy, the WEF 2021 plot, the David Roach espionage scandal, the 2023 Chinese balloon incident, the Wagner Group rebellion and the manipulations of election.


I complained to the PM about the electoral fraud by way of espionage in my email dated Aug 12, Aug 14, Aug 17 to the PM and email dated Aug 19 to AGC. I haven’t received any reply from the Government. 


I have enough evidence to believe that national security officers had access my laptop today between 3am to 6am. Although BitLocker encrypted drive always had a golden lock icon on it, the E drive of my laptop didn’t show this icon after I turned it on at 7:50am, Since the only explanation was an unauthorized access, I shot a video about the encryption status of the E drive after the laptop was turned on as evidence. I appreciate it that the security officers have left intact the 3 nylon cable ties used to seal the zippers of my backpack.


It is safe for me to say that the PAP has turned Singapore from an honest broker into a vicious conspirator so the PAP is unfit to be the ruling party in Singapore.


The US government’s response to my conspiracy claims

Regarding the 2023 Chinese balloon incident and the Wagner Group rebellion, an official with the US embassy told me on Aug 8 to wait for an email reply. Regarding my detailed account of the David Roach espionage scandal, embassy security officer Jack told me on Aug 18 at 4:35pm to come back on Aug 21 because embassy officials were not around at the time.


It is self-evident that President Biden ought to step down because there is no way to survive so many scandals. President Biden is not fighting against communism but against the fundamental justice. 


My challenge to the Nobel Foundation

Now I openly challenge Nobel Foundation against its argument that human rights are universal values. The Nobel Foundation awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo in 2010 for his “long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”. The committee also stated that “The campaign to establish universal human rights also in China is being waged by many Chinese, both in China itself and abroad.”


Human rights are individual rights and protect individual against society. The universal value refers to one’s access to justice, and I don’t think there is a fundamental human right. Now I am representing the universal value, or the fundamental justice.


In my email dated Nov 1, 2020 to UN Chief Antonio Guterres, I requested the UNs to amend the Article 21(3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because “the people” may not be a morally good force so “the people” can elect a legitimate but totalitarian  government, e.g. Singapore’s PAP government. I haven’t received any reply from the UNs.


Although liberalists generally believe that individual freedom is the basis of a just society, it is self-evident that justice is the basis of liberty. No one will doubt that President Biden represents liberty and that I represent justice. President Biden is the head of the most powerful country in the world, and I am an ordinary person. An average person will see it as a miracle if I make President Biden step down.


If the Nobel Foundation insists that human right are universal values and the liberty is the basis of justice, I hope that the Nobel Foundation can close its peace category due to a loss of credibility if I make president Biden step down. I am very sure that Liu Xiaobo is unable to bring prosperity to China and that very few Nobel Peace laureates can feel the power of the moral law within.


I would appreciate it if the Nobel Foundation takes my challenge seriously because an individual generally has no chance to fight against the head of the most powerful government in the world. 


Foreign Interference

In my email dated Feb 19, 2018, I voluntarily requested the PAP Government to “carefully examine my possible connections with political organizations such as the Chinese government”. I haven’t received any reply so far.


I have no connection with any political party, organization or individual, and I am loyal to justice only. I will deal with the issue of the racism in the University of Iowa later on.


I have every intention of ensuring the transparency and accountability of the PAP Government by exposing a series of scandals in connection with the PAP Government to the public.


My protest and requests

I am going to protest outside the US embassy on Aug 20, 2023 at 3pm to support my conspiracy claims and to ask for a response from both the Singapore and the US government.


I would request PM Lee to address these issues mentioned above, especially the election fraud by way of espionage, today at the National Day Rally speech because Singapore’s image has been Singapore’s tarnished by these conspiracy claims.


I also request the US government to publicly respond to my conspiracy claims to maintain a rule-based world order.


Thank you.



Yan Jun




