
The Supreme Court's email dated Mar 13 to me regarding the payment out


The direction to Account-General for payment out: Here

The file attached to my email dated Mar 11, 2013: Att_20120310

From: SUPCOURT Registry (SUPCOURT) <SUPCOURT_Registry@supcourt.gov.sg>
Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2013 12:50 pm
To: medp1128@gmail.com
Cc: ISTANA Feedback (ISTANA) <ISTANA_Feedback@istana.gov.sg>
Subject: RE: Request to the President: Professionalism in the Court
Attention : Mr Yan Jun
DCA 20/2011 – Yan Jun v. Liu Tian
Dear Sir,
                We refer to your email dated 13 March 2013 addressed to His Excellency, the President of Singapore.
2.            In respect of the refund of the security deposit, please file your Direction to the Accountant-General for Payment Out with the Supreme Court Registry. Upon acceptance of the filing, you may then approach the Accountant-General for payment out of the security deposit.
3.            As for the rest of your email, we have responded to you in our earlier reply of 13 March 2013.  We re-iterate that as we have responded to these other matters repeatedly, we will not be engaging in any further correspondence on the same.
Thank you.
Lee Gek Boon
For Registrar
Supreme Court, Singapore
cc : President’s Office, Istana
From: Yan Jun [mailto:medp1128@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 13 March, 2013 4:29 PM
To: Kok Fatt LEE (ISTANA)
Cc: SUPCOURT Registry (SUPCOURT); AGC (AGC); aware@aware.org.sgorganising@wp.sgstonline@sph.com.sgtnp@sph.com.sgwanbao@sph.com.sg; Connie CHAN (PMO)
Subject: Re: Request to the President: Professionalism in the Court
Dear Mr. President,

1.     Thank you very much for your attention to my email regarding the professionalism in the Court. 

2.     I have received the response and am disappointed about it because my complaint hasn’t been handled by an agency independent of the High Court.     

3.     Every appellant is entitled to a fair trial. In the response, the High Court has justified that, based on the absence of legal representation, His Honour got the power to turn an appeal into a “dialogue to ascertain both parties’ respective positions with regard to appeal”. However, the law doesn’t require the representation by lawyers in a suit. 

4.     The response failed to justify how His Honour got the power to, against my will, prevent me from accepting the option he offered to send DCA 20/2011 back to lower court. My security was detained so technically I lost the appeal. 

5.     The High Court claimed that I alleged against His Honour but, upon my request, hasn’t specified these allegations and proves them spurious. Now the Court has refused to engage any further correspondence with me. 

6.     I will forward my reply to the Private Secretary to Prime Minister. 

7.     I will continue voicing my opinion to protect my rights to a fair trial to the international press if local news agencies are not interested.   

8.     Thanks again for your attention and patience. 

Yan Jun
On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 12:34 PM, SUPCOURT Registry (SUPCOURT) <SUPCOURT_Registry@supcourt.gov.sg> wrote:
Attention : Mr Yan Jun
DCA 20/2011 – Yan Jun v. Liu Tian
Dear Sir,
We refer to your email dated 7 March 2013.


2.         The Registry has responded to you repeatedly since 23 July 2012 on the issues you have raised in respect of the hearing of DCA 20/2011. Please let us reiterate the position. When you first appeared for the DCA hearing before the Honourable Justice Chao Hick Tin, who upon seeing that both you and your estranged wife were unrepresented, engaged both of you to ascertain your respective positions at the conclusion of which both of you clearly and readily agreed to the course suggested by the Judge, which is, to withdraw the appeal on a certain express understanding.  Both you and your estranged wife had also indicated to the Judge that you would be proceeding to divorce. The audio recording of the hearing bears this out. 


3.         You should therefore appreciate our position that we are unable to consider your request for re-opening of your case without a formal application filed in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures and that the transcripts of the hearing would be available upon request and payment of the prescribed fees.


4          We regret to inform that unless there are new issues raised in your email, we will not be engaging in any further correspondence with you. Thank you for your understanding.
Lee Gek Boon
Supreme Court, Singapore
cc : President’s Office, Istana
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Yan Jun <medp1128@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mr. President,

1.     I would like to request the President for your attention to professionalism in the Court. I also request the President to urge the High Court to explain in public how an Honorable Judge got power to influence an appellant’s decision making during an appeal. 

2.     My appeal DCA 20/2011 was heard on 1 Feb 2012 before Honourable Judge Chao Hick Tin. His Honour persuaded me to withdraw the appeal when I clearly accepted the option to send the case back to lower court. Finally, I withdrew the appeal under the influence of His Honour during the appeal. My security deposit was detained. 

3.     On 22 June 2012, I expressed my concern to the High Curt about the due process of DCA 20/2011 and was informed on 27 June to apply for “Note of Evidence” I. On 16 Aug I was informed that “no notes of evidence are available for this matter” II . 

4.     On 12 July His Honour classified DCA 20/2011 as “an interactive dialogue (as both of you were unrepresented) to ascertain the parties' respective positions with regard to the appeal” III, so DCA 20/2011 was technically not an appeal. On 23 July the appeal was classified as “a proceeding other than trial” because the court advised me to apply for “transcript for proceedings other than trial” IV. In addition, “both parties agreed to take the course suggested by the Judge” V . 

5.     A dialogue and a proceeding are different in nature, so these replies gave me an impression that the nature of an appeal is determined not by law but by an Honourable hearing Judge. I also doubt if a Judge is allowed to suggest the parties. 

 6.     Rules of Court 55D specifies that an appeal to the High Court from the Subordinate Courts shall be by way of rehearing, so an appeal is a trial by default and every appellant is entitled to a fair trial. I don’t think His Honour was able to deny me my rights for a fair trial and replaced it with the opposite. It is self-evident that I am not in a position to apply for “transcript for proceedings other than trials”. 

7.     If the High Court holds that an appellant is not entitled to a fair trial and an Honorable hearing Judge is allowed to influence an appellant’s or his counsel’s decision-making, I would appreciate it if the High Court lists several examples. His Honor is the only person in the position to justify the absence of a fair trial for DCA 20/2011; however, all my requests in this regard have been ignored. 

8.     On 16 November 2012, Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) replied to my complaint as: “the Attorney-General’s Chambers is not in a position to assist you. In this regard, we note that you have also addressed your email to the Family Court Registry. “ 

9.     In reply dated 3 March, the court “(without formal application) is unable to consider the request for your case to be re-opened after your withdrawal “ VI. However, my withdrawal is a result of His Honour’s persuasion during the appeal, which was not supposed to take place. In addition, this time the court used “re-open” instead of “re-trial” that they repeatedly used in January, suggesting that the court then considered DCA 20/2011 to be a trial VII. 


10.  In the same reply, the High Court stated that “you have raised certain allegations against the Honourable Judge who heard the matter in DCA 20/2011, which are without basis” VIII. I would like the High Court to specify my allegations, if any, and justify why they are spurious. 

11.  DCA 20/2011 is simple but of public interest in that it challenges a wide-spread concept in family law. If this concept is proven wrong, all the maintenance orders made in the past for the wife during their marriages may be called into question. Please see an online essay  for details.   

12.  Without getting their consent, I forward this letter to AGC, Association of Women for Action and Research and Worker’s Party not for assistance but simply to show that I have made a request to the President. 

13.  I am happy to be interviewed by the Press and will continue voicing my opinion to protect my rights to fair trial. 

14.  I thank the President for his attention to this matter. I am looking forward to hearing from the President at his earliest convenience.  



Yan Jun


 Notes :
      I.         Attachment,  Page 4, Paragraph 3
    II.         Page 5, Para 2.
   III.         Page 1, Para 2
  IV.         Page 2, Para 3 and Page 3
    V.         Page 2, Para 2
  VI.         Page 6, Para 2
VII.         Page 9, Para 2
VIII.         Page 6, Para 3



