
Email reply from Patricia McCabe of FEBS Letters dated Feb 14, 2011

 Attachment: McCabe_ questions on a report

From: Patricia McCabe
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 6:01 PM
HinKiu Mok
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: questions on a report


Dear Dr. Mok,

Thank you for your message. You are most welcome to send your concerns about the manuscript to me and we will look into the matter in more detail.

Yours sincerely,
Patricia McCabe


Dr. Patricia McCabe
Editorial Manager
FEBS Letters

FEBS Letters Editorial Office
In Neuenheimer Feld 328
69120 Heidelberg


Begin forwarded message:

From: HinKiu Mok <hhiniumok@gmail.com>

Date: February 11, 2011 3:26:26 AM GMT+01:00

To: febs.letters@bzh.uni-heidelberg.de

Subject: questions on a report


Dear officers,
I have a question about a research article published in FEBS Lett last year. I have a concern about the conclusion of this report.
This small paper is roughly composed of two parts. In the first part, the author proposed a hypothesis based on a finding. In the second part, they proved this hypothesis correct. However, the data for this finding went so wrong that one is able to point out the problems without even repeating the experiment. All my colleagues agree with me.
Is it possible for me send our questions to FEBS Lett directly for an explanation? Can you give us some advice on solving controversy like this? 

Thank you very much for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

HinKiu Mok (PhD)



