Attachment: FW_An appointment
Dear Yan Jun
I understand
that you have a different perspective on your own performance which is
evidently different from mine. My appraisal
of everyone's performance is based on how much we are able to achieve
with our experiments that lead us to defined conclusions and publishable data
in a reasonable period of time. Based on this analysis, I think that I would
unfortunately have to conclude that I am unable to derive anything meaningful
from any of your experiments in more than a year in my lab. In my assessment your
progress was not adequate and the primary reason to have your contract lapse.
Since you have been in my lab for over one year, I think another discussion
about your performance is not going to alter my decision.
I hope that you
will understand and wish you all the best in your career.
On 12/27/10 6:54
PM, "Yan Jun" <> wrote:
>Dear Prof.
>I refer to
the termination of my contract by Prof. Taneja (please see
>below). I
believe that the termination of my contract is ungrounded.
Taneja's alleged that I have significant problems with scientific
doing bench work and communication as well.
I request for a
with Prof. Taneja and to discuss this unpleasant
My intention is to solve the problems in a professional way.
consequence is serious to comments one's intellectual and technical
I would appreciate it if Prof. Taneja produces evidence to
what she said----"you have clearly indicated that your
and technical performance need significant improvement". I
>would be
happy to answer Prof. Taneja's questions in the presence of a
>third party.
>I would
greatly appreciate it if my request can be carefully considered.
>Yan Jun
>From: Reshma
Monday, December 27, 2010 5:40 PM
>To: Yan Jun
>Cc: Vivian
Poh Pei Jun
>Subject: FW:
>Dear Yan Jun
>As discussed
several times during our individual and group meetings, I
>have clearly
indicated that your intellectual and technical performance
significant improvement. I have discussed with you that the
>quality and
reproducibility of your data are not acceptable, and that
>we have made
almost no progress whatsoever in the project. Faced with
>your the
inability to make adequate progress for more than one year, I
with you on October 12, 2010 and gave you in writing that
contract will lapse effective Jan 12, 2011. You were given a 3
>month notice
about the lapse of your contract. I am
forwarding you the
>approval of
my decision from our HoD, Prof Soong Tuck Wah.
TANEJA :: Associate Professor, Department of Physiology :: Yong
>Loo Lin
School of Medicine :: National University of Singapore :: Block
>MD9, 2
Medical Drive, Singapore 117597 :: (65) 6516 3236 (Office) ::
>(65) 6516
>8927 (Lab)::
(65) 6778 8161 (Fax) :: (E) ::
> (W) :: Company
No: 200604346E
This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you are
>not the
intended recipient, please delete it and notify us immediately;
>you should
not copy or use it for any purpose, nor disclose its
>contents to
any other person. Thank you.
>On 12/27/10
5:20 PM, "Soong Tuck Wah" <> wrote:
support your decision.
Reshma Taneja
Monday, December 27, 2010 4:19 PM
Soong Tuck Wah
Vivian Poh Pei Jun
>>One of
my Research Assistants, Mr. Yan Jun has had very poor
since he started in my lab in Oct 2009. He has been told
several individual meetings that his progress has been insufficient
>> most,
if not all of his experiments have not yielded anything worthy
publishing despite giving him advice weekly in our group meetings.
experiments are poorly performed, lack controls, and the quality
>>of the
data is extremely poor. He barely communicates with anyone in
>>the lab,
and if given advice, is quite unhappy.
that he was not able to think on his own, nor was he willing to
>>heed to
my advice, I have also given him the possibility of working
other senior members of my lab, however he was unhappy about that
well. Due to the extremely poor
scientific output in more than a
>>year of
having him in the lab (there is not a single publishable bit
data), and his inability to communicate and work effectively as a
member, I was forced to come to a decision to have his contract
earlier than the stipulated time (April 2011). I had informed him
>>on Oct
12, 2010 in writing in an email, that his contract would lapse
>>in 3
months I.e effective Jan 12, 2011. He therefore has been given a
notice as per requirements.
>>I wanted
to inform you about this and would like to seek your approval
this. I would appreciate your affirmation that you agree with
>>this, so
that we can forward it to him.
TANEJA :: Associate Professor, Department of Physiology :: Yong
>>Loo Lin
School of Medicine :: National University of Singapore ::
MD9, 2 Medical Drive, Singapore 117597 :: (65) 6516 3236
:: (65)
8927 (Lab):: (65) 6778 8161 (Fax) ::
>><> (E) ::
>> (W) ::
Registration No: 200604346E
This email is confidential and may be privileged. If you
>>are not
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you should not copy or use it for any purpose, nor
its contents to any other person. Thank you.